ThingSpeak Experiences:1

Thanks to ThingSpeak for allowing us to upload data and get real time graphs and Matlab analysis.

So far we have managed to upload temperature, humidity, and light levels to a ThingSpeak channel ( 212605 ). Details here…

We have 3 channels, the first (212605) is our main channel for this exercise, it is called Shelter Monitor:

Field 1: Temperature – Field 2: Humidity

This channel also shows a Google Gauge displaying temperature values.

The second channel (212968) calculates the average humidity using Matlab analysis:

Field 1: Average Humidity

The third channel (212950) calculates the Dew point, reading the values from channel 1, and performing the Matlab analysis:

Field 1: Dew Point

Channels 2 and 3 are programmed using TimeControl to trigger the analysis hourly.

Channel 1 receives data every minute, a median of 10 readings is calculated, therefore updates to the graph happen every 10 minutes.


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